SRCDC has been successful in being awarded funding along with a host of other organisations in the region:
Mudiad Organisation | Crynodeb o’r hyn y defnyddir y grant ar ei gyfer:
Summary of what the grant will be used for: |
Valleys Kids | Bydd y prosiect Valleys Kids yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â Spice i ddarparu cyfleoedd ar gyfer teuluoedd sy’n profi tlodi tra’n gweithio. Gan ddefnyddio model credydau amser, bydd unigolion yn cynyddu hyder, hunan-barch ac iechyd a lles, ac ar yr un pryd adeiladu gwydnwch a chynyddu cyfalaf cymdeithasol, a chael eu grymuso i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau a phrofiadau na allant gael mynediad atynt fel arfer, gan wella’u hansawdd bywyd. Dros bedair blynedd bydd y grant o £499,440 yn ariannu cyflogau Cydlynydd Prosiect, dau weithiwr prosiect cydwerth ag amser llawn a Gweithiwr Cefnogi Gweinyddu/Gwerthuso, costau recriwtio, costau rheoli a chefnogi, monitro a gwerthuso, rheoli credydau amser a chyflwyno gweithgareddau wedi’u cyd-gynhyrchu. | Valleys Kids’ project, based in Rhondda Cynon Taff, will work in partnership with Spice to provide opportunities for working families experiencing in-work poverty. By using a time credit model, individuals will increase in confidence, self-esteem and health and well-being, whilst also building resilience and increasing social capital, and being empowered to participate in activities and experiences that they cannot ordinarily access, thus improving their quality of life. The £499,440 grant, over four years, will fund the salaries of a Project Co-Ordinator, two full time equivalent project workers and an Admin/Evaluation Support Worker, recruitment costs, management and support costs, monitoring and evaluation, time credit management and the delivery of co-produced activities |
United Welsh Housing Association Limited | Bydd Cymdeithas Tai Unedig Cymru Cyfyngedig mewn partneriaeth â Thai Charter, Tai Calon, Cymdeithas Tai Sir Fynwy, Newport City Homes a Linc Cymru yn gweithio gyda 225 o deuluoedd sydd wedi’u heffeithio gan dlodi tra’n gweithio yng Nghasnewydd, Blaenau Gwent, Caerffili a Sir Fynwy i wella’u lles, gwydnwch, sgiliau a chyfleoedd. Dros dair blynedd bydd y grant o £500,000 yn ariannu arweinydd tîm a dau gydlynydd ardal, costau llawrydd a phartneriaid, recriwtio, hyfforddiant, teithio, treuliau gwirfoddolwyr, monitro, gwerthuso, cyfieithu, marchnata, gweithgareddau, cyfarpar TG a chostau cyffredinol. | United Welsh Housing Association Limited in partnership with Charter Housing, Tai Calon, Monmouthshire Housing Association, Newport City Homes and Linc Cymru will work with 225 families affected by in-work poverty in Newport, Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly and Monmouthshire to improve their wellbeing, resilience, skills and prospects. The £500,000 grant, over 3 years, will fund a team leader and two area co-ordinators, freelance and partner costs, recruitment, training, travel, volunteer expenses, monitoring, evaluation, translation, marketing, activities, IT equipment and overhead costs. |
The Centre for Building Social Action Ltd (CBSA) | Bydd y prosiect yn gweithio gydag aelwydydd sy’n profi tlodi tra’n gweithio ar draws Sir Gâr gyda’r nod o rymuso cyfranogwyr i ennill hyder i weithio ar y cyd i gyd-gynhyrchu, dylunio a chyflwyno datrysiadau cynaliadwy i heriau y maent yn eu hwynebu, gan gynyddu eu gwydnwch a mwyafu incwm ac adnoddau gan arwain at hyder a hunan-barch cynyddol, gwell cyfleoedd cyflogaeth a darpariaeth gofal plant fforddiadwy a hygyrch. Dros bedair blynedd bydd y grant o £490,606 yn ariannu cyflogau, costau recriwtio, costau teithio a gwirfoddolwyr, monitro a gwerthuso, marchnata, nwyddau traul a chyfarpar cyfalaf ar gyfer gweithgareddau prosiect, gofal plant, hurio a rheoli lleoliad a chostau cyffredinol llety. | The project will work with working households experiencing in-work poverty across Carmarthenshire with the aim of empowering participants to gain confidence to work collectively to co-produce, design and deliver sustainable solutions to challenges they face, increasing their resilience and maximising resources and income leading to greater confidence and self-esteem, improved employment opportunities and affordable and accessible childcare provision. The £490,606 grant, over four years, will fund salaries, recruitment costs, travel and volunteer costs, monitoring and evaluation, marketing, consumables and capital equipment for project activities, childcare, venue hire and management and accommodation overhead costs. |
Cardiff Community Housing Association Ltd | Bydd Cymdeithas Tai Cymunedol Caerdydd yn dod â theuluoedd sy’n gweithio ynghyd ac yn eu cefnogi i ddatblygu a rhedeg eu mentrau eu hunain i ymdrin â materion â blaenoriaeth sydd wedi’u hachosi gan dlodi tra’n gweithio. Mae’r prosiect yn anelu at sicrhau bod cyfleoedd a gwasanaethau’n bodoli er mwyn i deuluoedd sy’n gweithio ffynnu’n unigol ac fel cymuned. Dros bedair blynedd bydd y grant o £472 834 yn ariannu cyflogau, recriwtio, hyfforddiant, dylunio credydau amser a ffioedd blynyddol, treuliau gwirfoddolwyr, cyfieithu, marchnata, cyllideb gyfranogol, digwyddiadau, gofal plant, lluniaeth, cyfarpar TG a chostau cyffredinol. | Cardiff Community Housing Association will bring working families together and support them to develop and run their own initiatives to address priority issues caused by in-work poverty. The project aims to ensure the opportunities and services exist for working families to thrive both individually and as a community. The £472 834 grant over four years will fund salaries, recruitment, training, time credit design and annual fees, volunteer expenses, translation, marketing, a participatory budget, events, childcare, refreshments, IT equipment and overheads. |
Felinfoel Family Centre | Bydd y prosiect, a leolir yn Sir Gâr, yn gweithio gyda theuluoedd sy’n gweithio ac aelwydydd rhiant sengl i wella’u hansawdd bywyd. Nod y prosiect yw darparu cyfleoedd i deuluoedd sy’n gweithio wella sgiliau a chymwysterau, cyrchu gofal plant, darparu bwyd da fforddiadwy a chymryd rhan mewn digwyddiadau a gweithgareddau cymunedol. Dros bedair blynedd bydd y grant o £210 773 yn ariannu’n rhannol Cydlynydd Prosiect presennol, staff chwarae presennol a Gweithiwr Prosiect rhan-amser a gweithiwr chwarae sesiynol newydd, costau recriwtio, costau teithio a hyfforddi ar gyfer staff a gwirfoddolwyr, llety a chostau cyffredinol, marchnata a monitro a gwerthuso. | The project, based in Carmarthenshire, will work with working families and single parent households to improve their quality of life. The project aims to provide opportunities for working families to improve skills and qualifications, access childcare, provide good food affordably and participation in community events and activities. The £210, 773 grant, over four years, will part-fund the employment of an existing Project Co-Ordinator, existing play staff and a new part-time Project Worker and sessional play worker, recruitment costs, travel and training costs for staff and volunteers, accommodation and overheads, marketing and monitoring and evaluation. |
ACE – Action in Caerau and Ely | Bydd y prosiect yn cynnal gweithdai cymryd rhan gyda theuluoedd sy’n gweithio yn Nhrelái a Chaerau a Dwyrain Caerdydd i ymchwilio i’r materion y maent yn eu hwynebu, ac adnabod asedau a datrysiadau posib. Bydd Action for Caerau and Ely yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â Citizens Cymru Wales a Spice Time Credits i gefnogi teuluoedd i greu newid ar lefel leol a strwythurol. Dros bedair blynedd bydd y grant o £498 343 yn ariannu costau staff, recriwtio, hyfforddi, treuliau gwirfoddolwyr, hurio lleoliad, gwerthuso, cyfieithu, marchnata, cyfarpar TG, cyllideb gyfranogol a chostau cyffredinol. | The project will carry out participatory workshops with working families in Ely and Caerau and East Cardiff to explore the issues they face and identify assets and potential solutions. Action for Careau and Ely will work in partnership with Citizens Cymru Wales and Spice Time Credits to support families to bring about change at a local and structural level. The grant over four years will fund staff costs, recruitment, training, volunteer expenses, venue hire, evaluation, translation, marketing, IT equipment, a participatory budget and overheads. |
Severn Wye Energy Agency Ltd | Bydd Asiantaeth Ynni Hafren Gwy yn gweithio gyda theuluoedd sydd wedi’u heffeithio gan dlodi tra’n gweithio yn Llandrindod a’r cylch ym Mhowys i gyd-gynhyrchu gwasanaethau a gweithgareddau sy’n gwella’u hansawdd bywyd trwy wella iechyd a lles, lleihau straen a chynyddu gwydnwch. Bydd prosiectau posib yn ymdrin â materion fel gofal plant, bwyd a chludiant fforddiadwy, tlodi tanwydd a chefnogaeth gan gymheiriaid trwy fancio amser. Bydd y prosiect yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth ag ysgolion yn yr ardal i adnabod darpar gyfranogwyr. Dros bedair blynedd bydd y grant o £499,420 yn ariannu cyflog Cydlynydd Lle i hwyluso cyd-gynhyrchu gweithgareddau prosiect, ennyn diddordeb a chynllunio, ymchwil a pheilota prosiectau bach, datblygu gweithgareddau, digwyddiadau a chostau gwerthuso. | Severn Wye Energy Action will work with families affected by in-work poverty in and around Llandrindod Wells in Powys to co-produce services and activities that improve their quality of life through improved health and well-being, reduced stress and greater resilience. Potential projects will address issues such as childcare, affordable food and transport, fuel poverty and peer support through time-banking. The project will work in partnership with the schools in the area to identify potential participants. The £499, 420 grant over four years will fund the salary costs of a Place Co-ordinator to facilitate the co-production of project activities, engagement and planning, research and piloting of small projects, development of activities, events and evaluation costs. |
Citizens UK | Bydd y prosiect yn defnyddio methodoleg trefnu cymunedol i recriwtio a maethu arweinwyr dinasyddion o deuluoedd sy’n gweithio a fydd yn arwain ar y camau gweithredu y mae eu hangen i greu newid o gwmpas y materion y maent yn gofalu amdanynt yn eu cymunedau. Caiff y prosiect ei gyflwyno yng Nghaerdydd, Bro Morgannwg, Rhondda Cynon Taf, Merthyr Tudful a Sir Benfro. Dros bedair blynedd bydd y grant o £499, 364 yn ariannu tri threfnydd cymunedol rhan-amser, hyfforddiant, treuliau gwirfoddolwyr, costau digwyddiad, cyfieithu a chostau cyffredinol. | The project will use community organising methodology to recruit and nurture citizen leaders from working families who will lead the action needed to create change around the issues they care about in their communities. The project will be delivered in Cardiff, the Vale of Glamorgan, Rhondda Cynon Taff, Merthyr Tydfil and Pembrokeshire. The £499, 364 grant, over four years, will fund three part time community organisers, training, volunteer expenses, event costs, translation and overheads |
Bron Afon Community Housing | Bydd y prosiect, a leolir ym Mhont-y-pŵl, yn datblygu rhaglen weithgareddau ar gyfer teuluoedd sy’n gweithio yn Nhorfaen. Bydd y rhaglen yn defnyddio technegau i wella gwydnwch a hyder a fydd yn arwain at gynyddu potensial ennill arian, gan alluogi teuluoedd i wella’u hansawdd bywyd. Dros bedair blynedd bydd y grant o £275,000 yn ariannu un Swyddog Cefnogi amser llawn, darparu costau cyfarparu digidol a thalu am fonitro a gwerthuso, hyfforddiant a marchnata. | The project, based in Pontypool, will develop a programme of activities for working families living in Torfaen. The programme will deploy techniques to enhance resilience and confidence leading to increased earning potential allowing families to improve their quality of life. The £275,000 grant, over four years, will fund one full time Support Officer, provide digital furnishing costs, and pay for monitoring and evaluation, training, and marketing. |
Creating Enterprise C.I.C. | Bydd Creating Enterprise CIC yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â Chefnogaeth Gymunedol a Gwirfoddol Conwy, i alluogi teuluoedd sydd wedi’u heffeithio gan dlodi tra’n gweithio yng nghymunedau Llandudno, Ystâd Peulwys ym Mae Colwyn, Mochdre a Rhos, i leihau effaith tlodi. Bydd y prosiect yn datblygu sgiliau ac yn cynnig gweithgareddau, cyngor a gwasanaethau i wella cyflogadwyedd, iechyd a lles. Dros bedair blynedd bydd y grant o £499,990 yn ariannu un gweithiwr prosiect amser llawn, recriwtio, digwyddiadau ennyn diddordeb, gweithgareddau cyflwyno prosiect, treuliau gwirfoddolwyr, marchnata, cyfieithu, costau rhedeg, hwyluso cyd-gynhyrchu, monitro a gwerthuso. | Creating Enterprise CIC will work in partnership with Community and Voluntary Support Conwy, to enable families affected by in-work poverty in the communities of Llandudno, Peulwys Estate in Colwyn Bay, Mochdre and Rhos on Sea, to reduce the impact of pverty. The project will develop skills, offer activities, advice and services to improve employability, health and wellbeing. The £499, 990 grant, over four years, will fund one full time project worker, recruitment, engagement events, project delivery activities, volunteer expenses, marketing, translation, running costs, co-production facilitation, monitoring and evaluation. |
Swansea Carers Centre | Bydd Creating Enterprise CIC yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â Chefnogaeth Gymunedol a Gwirfoddol Conwy, i alluogi teuluoedd sydd wedi’u heffeithio gan dlodi tra’n gweithio yng nghymunedau Llandudno, Ystâd Peulwys ym Mae Colwyn, Mochdre a Rhos, i leihau effaith tlodi. Bydd y prosiect yn datblygu sgiliau ac yn cynnig gweithgareddau, cyngor a gwasanaethau i wella cyflogadwyedd, iechyd a lles. Dros bedair blynedd bydd y grant o £499,990 yn ariannu un gweithiwr prosiect amser llawn, recriwtio, digwyddiadau ennyn diddordeb, gweithgareddau cyflwyno prosiect, treuliau gwirfoddolwyr, marchnata, cyfieithu, costau rhedeg, hwyluso cyd-gynhyrchu, monitro a gwerthuso. | The project, based in Swansea, will work with working parent carers and sandwich carers to improve their quality of life. The project will offer adult literacy, respite opportunities, carer financial toolkits and will introduce support networks and employers training. The £498,185 grant, over four years, will employ two part time Family Carer Officers, provide respite provision, and pay for training, marketing and overheads |
South Riverside Community Development Centre | Bydd y prosiect, a leolir yng Nghaerdydd, yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth i gefnogi teuluoedd Duon a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig sy’n profi tlodi tra’n gweithio. Bydd y prosiect yn galluogi menywod a theuluoedd i wella’u gwydnwch ariannol a’u lles trwy hyrwyddo gwaith, deor menter a gofal plant cymunedol. Dros dair blynedd bydd y grant o £494,612 yn cyflogi chwe swydd rhan-amser Rheolwr Prosiect, Gweinyddwr a phedwar gweithiwr prosiect, costau gofal a gweithgareddau plant, ffioedd llawrydd, hyfforddiant, marchnata a chostau cyffredinol. | The project, based in Cardiff, will work in partnership to support Black and Minority Ethnic families experiencing in-work poverty. The project will enable women and families to increase their financial resilience and improve their well-being via work promotion, enterprise incubation and community-based childcare. The £494,612 grant, over three years, will employ six part-time posts of Project Manager, Administrator and four project workers, provide childcare and activity costs, freelance fees, training, marketing and overheads. |
Home-Start UK | Bydd Home Start UK yn gweithio gyda theuluoedd sydd wedi’u heffeithio gan dlodi tra’n gweithio ar draws 11 sir (Blaenau Gwent, Caerdydd, Caerffili, Ceredigion, Conwy, Rhondda Cynon Taf, Sir Ddinbych, Sir Fynwy, Sir y Fflint, Sir Gâr a Wrecsam). Bydd staff a gwirfoddolwyr Home Start yn yr ardaloedd hyn yn cael eu hyfforddi i ennyn diddordeb teuluoedd i ddeall y materion y maent yn eu hwynebu a dylunio gweithgareddau i ddiwallu eu hanghenion. Bydd y prosiect yn canolbwyntio ar gyd-gynhyrchu gweithgareddau a gwasanaethau i gefnogi materion fel cyllid, cludiant a gofal plant i wella lles a chynyddu gwydnwch ariannol. Dros bedair blynedd bydd y grant o £499,129 yn ariannu costau staff a gwirfoddolwyr, gweithgareddau cyd-gynhyrchu, gweithgareddau prosiect a chostau gwerthuso. | Home Start UK will work with families affected by in-work poverty across 11 counties (Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Monmouthshire, Cardiff, Rhondda Cynon Taf, Carmarthen, Ceredigion, Conwy, Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham). Home Start staff and volunteers in these areas will be trained to engage with families to understand the issues they face and design activities to address their needs. The project will focus on co-producing activities and services to support issues such as finances, transport and childcare in order to improve well-being and increase financial resilience. The£499,129 grant, over four years will fund staff and volunteer costs, co-production activities, project activities, project events and evaluation costs. |