Users and Services

Groups at SRCDC (Brunel Street, Wyndham Street, Riverside Warehouse)

SRCDC service Delivery:

We can Work it out, Big Lottery funded project working with BAME families across Cardiff who are finding it difficult to manage (employs 6 members of staff, funds £ 27K of Childcare support)

Mother and Toddlers (twice weekly) Brunel Street Hall

Mobile crèche: Home Office (Tuesdays); ADLW (Mon- Thursday); Displaced People in Action (monthly)

Women’s Chat Group (Wednesdays) Wyndham Street Centre

Youth Club 11-18 yr olds (3 times a week) Riverside Warehouse

After school club – 7-11 yr olds (once a week) Riverside Warehouse

Employment Support service for BAME Women- Believe (from May 2019) Brunel Street



Cardiff CC Into work service (Tuesdays) Brunel Street, IT suite

Communities for Work (Tuesday afternoon) Brunel Street

IT for work (Wednesday afternoon) Brunel Street

Citizens Advice service (Wednesday morning) Brunel Street


Fitizalan School Step 4 Change teaching unit (Mon- Friday) Riverside Warehouse

Urdu Homework club (Saturday morning) Brunel Street

Sudanese Homework club (Friday night) Brunel Street

ESOL Classes (7 classes twice a week) Brunel Street and Wyndham Street Centre


Race Equality Council intergenerational cooking project (once a month) Wyndham Street

Cardiff and Vale Health Board Cooking for Families project (once a week) Wyndham Street

BAME Women’s sewing group (Tuesday mornings) Riverside Warehouse

Women Connect First – health and wellbeing exercise classes, Pilates, Yoga, Bollywood (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) Riverside Warehouse. 

Old is Gold exercise class (Wednesdays) Brunel Street Hall

Cardiff Bangladeshi Society exercise classes (Wednesdays and Fridays) Brunel Street Hall

Race Equality First Yoga class for women (Tuesdays) Brunel Street Hall

Community Groups: also see GROUPS

Cardiff Bangladeshi Society (Saturdays) Brunel Street

Taekwondo (Mondays and Wednesdays) Brunel Street

Lisas Dancers (Thursday evening) Brunel Street Hall

Acoustic Tuesdays (1st Tuesday in the month) Brunel Street Hall

Alternatives to Violence project (once a month) Wyndham Street Centre

Food not Bombs (Thursday evenings and Friday mornings) Wyndham Street Centre

Cardiff Activists Group (once a month) Wyndham Street Centre

PACT (six weekly) Brunel Street

Elders Film club (six weekly) Riverside Warehouse

Romanian faith group (Thursday evenings) Riverside Warehouse

Kingsway Faith group (Sunday afternoons) Wyndham Street Centre

Rahmat faith group (Sunday mornings) Brunel Street

Tenants and residents groups

Catering start-ups and pop up food events – Wyndham Street Centre kitchen

All buildings hired for community use, for example, in the last 3 months, to the Libyan society, Kenyan society, Sudanese society, Runnymede Trust, Mudiad Meithrin, Housing Association events and training, Guinea- Bissau community, Thrive health and wellbeing service ,Good Things Foundation, University of Wales, community consultation and engagement events, plus weddings, funerals, Eid celebrations,,etc.

March 2019