SRCDC are making a number of complete PC sets available to families in the vicinity – monitor, base unit, keyboard and mouse. CAT 5 cable supplied.
Some are Windows Vista; some are later version operating systems. All have Microsoft Office installed. They all can be used for online usage.
You need to have internet in your home and a spare port * in your router.

You live in South Riverside and you need the computer for employment or Job search OR Have a family with at least one child, where a child/children require a device for school work and there is insufficient other {pc/laptop/tablet}s available in the household for all to keep up with digital delivery of learning.
Contact Neil Binnell 07969 066093
* {you could use a wireless adapter but we are out of these currently} – it may be possible to connect families without internet in the near future – check back here for updates.
SRCDC are working with schools, local authority and WAG to ensure families are not excluded from digital services and digital learning.