Cardiff Council are intending to hold a series of events – Cycle-Ready for Spring – on Saturdays through February as follows
12th Grangetown Pavillion
19th Splott Play Centre
26th Llandaff North
These events will have Dr Bike, police security marking but are largely promotional for us e.g. banners and leaflets
5th or 12th Cycle- Ready for Spring Cycle Fest in Castle Grounds. – Germaine thought this was going to be the 5th?
Fri 11th March – we are turning our regular women’s ride into an international women’s day celebration. I also have a regular trike group (all women) who come at 1pm so hoping we can sort of combine the two and have coffee and cake in between (12-1pm).
6-12th June Bike Week
11th (Saturday) end of National Bike Week. Pedal Power’s Ride for All