2pm, Thursday 20th January 2022
Danielle Matthews (United Welsh), Sian Llewellyn (Fourteen-A Ltd), Lucy Thomas (Platfform), Clare Humphreys (Into Work Service), Wendy Boyd & Assim Ahmed (Communities for Work), Share Bower (Oasis Cardiff), Asha Vijendran (Welsh Refugee Council), Gareth Price (Careers Wales), Sarah Duncan-Jones (FAN Friends and Neighbours Groups), Suzy McGarrity (Choir with no name), Ann Hirani & Elaine Payne (DWP – Job Centre), Jonathan Davies (The Prince’s Trust), Laura Dyer (Barnardos), Kat York (Peer Mentoring Service), Zoe Gay & Charlotte Richards (Cardiff & Vale College), Rhiannon Breeze (Chair)
Sarah Wilcox (Wales & West Housing Association)
Quick note
Thank you again to everyone who attended the first forum of 2022! It’s so lovely to see you and a great way to remain connected with each other. It makes continuing this forum more worthwhile.
Please continue to share, post and check out the ‘Doing Something Different’ forum’s padlet! It’s like a virtual pinboard/noticeboard and is a platform we can hopefully utilise more frequently! Please check it out: Doing Something Different Forum (padlet.com)
As always, I welcome any feedback to the running of the forum so please send your suggestions of changes/improvements to: dsdifferentforum@gmail.com
Thank you/Diolch!
Updates from Organisations
United Welsh – Danielle Matthews
- Danielle is an employment mentor covering Cardiff & the Vale.
- She supports United Welsh tenants with employment, volunteering and training needs.
- Her team has a pot of money which can fund things like uniform, travel, bespoke courses, qualifications etc.
- She also helps tenants develop personal skills development to help progress into the above opportunities and follow their journey until they no longer need the support.
- United Welsh have joined a ‘Get Into Housing’ project with 6 other housing associations.
- This project offers 35 16-week fully funded placements (5 with each organisation) with the aim to encourage people from BAME communities to get into housing. These roles are entry level positions for individuals who are 25 years and over and include role such as repairs and maintenance, marketing, employment team, scheme officers etc.
- Individuals will be expected to work 21 hours a week, paid the national living wage and laptops will be provided.
- These vacancies will go live around March time and individuals can start any time up until July.
Fourteen-A Ltd – Sian Llewellyn
- Sian is the director at Fourteen- A Ltd. It is a registered charity established in 2008 as a means of addressing the needs of individuals with barriers to education and employment, with specific focus on helping women who suffer due to economic hardship or social background.
- Their Taith i Waith/Journey to Work Project is a 12-16 week programme of study funded by the Garfield Weston Foundation for individuals aged 16-25.
- It is a progressive three part course designed especially for those wanting to take their first steps into the beauty industry.
- Programme due to start in April depending on sufficient number of participants. (Minimum of 6 per course)
- They also have a Kickstart opportunity available for a Nail Technician.
- Please get in touch with any questions: sian@naildivas.co.uk
Platfform – Lucy Thomas
- Lucy is the website editor at Platfform.
- Her colleagues have created an online 6 session wellbeing programme for parents and carers. This programme aims to provide parents and carers with the tools and information to support young people with their mental health.
- Click here for more info: https://platfform.org/project/platfform-for-families/
Into Work Service (Cardiff Council) – Clare Humphreys
- Clare is an employer liaison officer for the ‘Into Work Service’
- One of her objectives is to promote jobs for the service and liaise with employers to find live and current job opportunities.
- Open to having people on their mailing list to send opportunities out to a wider network.
- They have lots of employment opportunities to offer people in the community.
- If anyone is interested in these roles (mainly entry level), they can send across their CV and complete a simple form and refer people to the advertised jobs. Current roles include security work, warehouse work, cleaning etc.
- They have partnered up with adult learning to create courses that link to the employer and guaranteed interviews on completion of courses.
Communities for Work – Wendy Boyd & Assim Ahmed
- Wendy & Assim are community employment advisers at Communities for Work.
- The project helps individuals access work opportunities, bespoke training, volunteering, CV writing, job searching, generic advicee and guidance etc. through 1-2-1 support
- They have lots of involvement in community projects. A Security course is starting on 9th February (you can find out more details by e-mailing boyd@dwp.gov.uk
- They are looking to deliver a Civil Service course through Adult Learning Wales in March time. This is open to all individuals (even those who are already in work). The course will offer information and support on how to apply for jobs in the Civil Service, how to write a personal statement, the sifting process etc.
- They are looking at running additional courses in the future such as Emergency Services course.
Oasis Cardiff – Share Bower
- Share is the volunteer coordinator at Oasis.
- Oasis supports asylum seekers and refugees in the Cardiff Community.
- They have been open throughout the pandemic for emergency support and food. They run courses and engagement activities.
- Not too much of an update but mentioned the integration team are seeking employment opportunities for individuals they are supporting.
Welsh Refugee Council – Asha Vijendran
- Asha has recently joined the Welsh Refugee Council.
- They are working with a number of referrals, supporting asylum seekers and refugees onto employment programmes.
- Have strengthened their relationship with JCPs and Kickstart programmes. One particular kickstart programme has 21 applications through from their service and 16 were offered interviews!
Careers Wales – Gareth Price
- Gareth is a team manager on the Working Wales programme at Careers Wales.
- They are running a pilot initiative whereby they are offering funding and support through the ECCTIS process eligible people who access their support. Here is a link to the ECCTIS website which provides information on this process: Statement of Comparability (enic.org.uk)
- As this is a pilot, they have minimal marketing around this to distribute yet. The best thing for any group members that may be working with people who have overseas qualifications to do is to contact Careers Wales on 0800 028 48 44 to book an appointment for that person with a Careers Adviser. Once the person referred is interviewed by an Adviser and it’s determined that not being able to demonstrate what their overseas qualifications are equivalent to in the UK will prove a barrier to them moving into education, employment or training the Adviser will then begin the application process and offering support to the person, the cost of which is paid by Working Wales (Careers Wales)
FAN Friends and Neighbours – Sarah Duncan-Jones
- FAN groups are a positive way to help tackle isolation.
- It’s also a great space to welcome those who are looking for opportunities to connect with new people and practise English.
Choir with No Name – Suzy McGarrity
- Choir with No Name is a charity which runs fun and accessible choirs for those who are or who have experienced homelessness. It is also open to other marginalised groups.
- Keen to spread the word and recruit people to help with the running of the choir.
- Open to delivering face to face or virtual singing workshops (18+)
- Contact Suzy for more info: suzy@choirwithnoname.org
The Prince’s Trust – Jonathan Davies
- The Prince’s Trust offers various programmes for young people age 16-30 across Wales. These include engagement, employability, self-employment and education.
- Jon works on the employability team and continues to build contacts and promote Prince’s Trust programmes.
- Currently recruiting for their next ‘Get into Retail’ with Marks and Spencer which runs next months. It is a 4 week placement for 16-30s with paid contracts available at end of programme. They have had a great success rate of getting young people into long term jobs at M&S! The programme is open mainly in the South of Wales across various M&S stores.
- The employability team are also looking at delivering women specific work programmes – Please e-mail davies@princes-trust.org.uk for any further info!
- The Prince’s Trust offers Development Awards of up to £200 to help provide 16-30 year old’s with the tools or equipment required to take their next step in education, training or work.
- TO REFER: Referrals can be made to our Customer Service Team: 0800 842842 or directly to a Prince’s Trust contact.
Cardiff Job Centre – Ann Hirani & Elaine Payne
- Ann is the employability youth coach working with 16-24s to support them into work. She has attended the forum to seek out any suitable opportunities for her customers.
- Elaine is a disability advisor for the JCP in Cardiff and supports customers with work-limiting health conditions to get into employment opportunities.
- There’s not much to report due to covid restrictions, but looking to run sofa sessions with customers, upcoming training sessions and ‘twitter days’ around wellbeing and jobs.
- Continuing to work with the NHS to break down the barriers some people face when applying for NHS job roles (application process is lengthy!) Looking to bring in some shortcuts and open up further opportunities to customers.
The Peer Mentoring Service – Kat York
- Kat is the volunteer coordinator and trainer.
- The service runs two services across Cardiff & the Vale. One for NEET 16-24s and one for 25+ who have been unemployed for 12+ months.
- The team mentor individuals to help them get into training, volunteering or work opportunities.
- Have funding to cover costs of various things such as CSCS card and business start ups.
- Kat offers sessions around wellbeing, managing stress and anxiety and developing confidence.
Cardiff & Vale College (Wellbeing Team) – Zoe Gay, Charlotte Richards & Rhiannon Breeze
- CAVC Wellbeing Officers are dispersed across various CAVC campuses: Eastern High, City Centre campus, Leckwith (Cardiff International Sports Centre), Cardiff West, Barry and ICAT.
- The team have been supporting learners with various needs.
- They are looking at working with external partners to deliver various wellbeing-based activities/opportunities for learners throughout the year.