Safer Internet

Assessing Online Content and Interactions – Let’s Get Digitally Savvy

Can you tell when something is a scam online? Can you tell the difference between opinion and fact online? Do you know how to assess websites? Can you spot manipulative behaviour online? Are you able to tell when something is an advertisement online? Do you know where to go to report online concerns?

As part of Safer Internet Day on the 9th of February 2021, WISE KIDS is hosting 2 online interactive workshops which will also feature guest panellists. These workshops will explore how we assess online content and interactions, and the knowledge, digital literacy and resilience we need so we don’t get tricked online.

So come along, to learn more!

·       Workshop 1 (4pm-5.15pm) is for young people aged 13+ attending with their supervising teacher/youth worker who must complete this registration form:

·        Workshop 2 (5.30pm-6.45pm) is for adults (parents/carers/professionals) who must complete this registration form.

Both workshops will be facilitated by Dr Sangeet Bhullar from WISE KIDS and will also feature guest panellist Dr Huw Davies (Lecturer in Digital Education at Edinburgh university), Mrs Josephine Farag from Cardiff High School, Mrs Julia Willis and Miss Ceri John from Cross Ash Primary, Mrs Becki Bawler from Risca Comprehensive School, Ms Sian Northey from the Parent Network, Mr Dayle Luce from Cardiff Youth Service and Ms Parven Kaur from Kids n Clicks.

Annwyl Gydweithwyr,

Asesu Cynnwys Ar-lein a Rhyngweithiadau – Dod i Ddeall y byd Digidol

A ydych chi’n gallu adnabod sgam ar-lein?  A ydych chi’n gallu adnabod y gwahaniaeth rhwng barn a ffaith ar-lein?  A ydych chi’n gwybod sut i asesu gwefannau?  A ydych chi’n gallu adnabod ymddygiad ystrywus ar-lein?  A ydych chi’n gallu adnabod pan fo rhywbeth yn hysbyseb ar-lein?  A ydych chi’n gwybod ble i adrodd am bryderon ar-lein?

Fel rhan o Ddiwrnod Defnyddio’r Rhyngrwyd yn Fwy Diogel ar 9 Chwefror 2021, bydd WISE KIDS yn cynnal 2 weithdy rhyngweithiol a fydd yn cynnwys panelwyr gwadd.  Bydd y gweithdai hyn yn archwilio sut ydym yn asesu cynnwys a rhyngweithiadau ar-lein, a’r wybodaeth, y llythrennedd digidol a’r cydnerthedd y mae ei angen arnom fel na fydd rhywun yn ein twyllo ar-lein.

Felly ymunwch gyda ni i ddysgu mwy!

·         Mae Gweithdy 1 (4pm-5.15pm) ar gyfer pobl ifanc 13+ oed, a fydd yn mynychu gyda’u hathro/gweithiwr ieuenctid a fydd yn eu goruchwylio, y mae’n rhaid iddynt lenwi’r ffurflen gofrestru hon:

·         Mae Gweithdy 2 (5.30pm-6.45pm) ar gyfer oedolion (rhieni/gofalwyr/gweithwyr proffesiynol), y mae’n rhaid iddynt lenwi’r ffurflen gofrestru hon.

Hwylusir y ddau weithdy gan Dr Sangeet Bhullar o WISE KIDS, a bydd yn cynnwys panelydd gwadd, Dr Huw Davies (Darlithydd mewn Addysg Ddigidol ym mhrifysgol Caeredin), Mrs Josephine Farag o Ysgol Uwchradd Caerdydd, Mrs Julia Willis a Miss Ceri John o Ysgol Gynradd Cross Ash, Mrs Becki Bawler o Ysgol Gyfun Risca, Ms Siân Northey o’r Rhwydwaith Rhieni, Mr Dayle Luce o Wasanaeth Ieuenctid Caerdydd a Ms Parven Kaur o Kids n Clicks.


Best regards,
Sangeet Bhullar

Sangeet Bhullar, PhD.
Executive Director, WISE KIDS
Company No. 4572181;  Tel: 44 (0)1633-673339/ 44 (0)7540707258

WISE KIDS: Promoting Digital Literacy, Digital Citizenship and Wellbeing for a Connected World


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