A Credu / Believe Project

Believe/ Credu Project participants and staff after attending and completing the course First Introduction to Public Services Interpreting via Cardiff University, Widening Access reflected on how they could continue to develop and access peer support and mentoring during the challenge of the first wave of the Pandemic and Lockdown in March 2020.
This led to a Funding application made to the Community Foundation For Wales to create a post for a Coordinator and funds to continue to develop the group by introducing both Interpreting as a skill and the other knowledge needed to consider running a business or self employment using the skills acquired.
Michele was recruited to co-ordinate the scheme and the PDF below outlines the process and delivery.
Believe/Credu – are now looking to facilitate a second course in January 2021 in partnership with Cardiff University Widening Access (Contact sharon@srcdc.org.uk for more information ) and have already attracted interest from some more eager apprentice interpreters.
The short project gives the clients a skill-set that is transferable into different roles and scenarios .
One of the first group members since attending the training and Support through Believe Project and Lets Interpret has been recruited into employment with Cardiff City Council’s – Into Work Team.
The Interpretors provided the COVID guidance for the Centres’ buildings and may be viewed here: Visiting SRCDC